DALOPA’s commitment to extend this policy to its clients, suppliers and subcontractors so that they can jointly express their contribution to the conservation of natural resources:
Environment policy
The Environmental Policy defined by DALOPA establishes objectives and annual goals for the continuous improvement of behaviors and conducts to preserve the Environment. These objectives are reviewed and updated by the Department of Quality and Environmental Management, being approved by the Group’s Management. The DALOPA management is personally committed to complying with this policy and achieving the objectives.
The fundamental priority of this policy is to implement measures that help all the people who work in the Brand to commit to the Environment, assuming appropriate behaviors to protect it and collaborate with the conservation of natural resources. It is summarized in the following points:
Compliance with the law: The environmental effects derived from our activity are evaluated annually, with a permanent update of the Environmental Management System and a periodic review of the environmental objectives.

Continuous improvement of environmental performance
Commitment on the part of DALOPA for the training, awareness and implication of all the personnel in the fulfillment of this policy, ensuring that they know their objectives as a company and their obligations as employees.
Internal communication campaigns are launched (advertising on plasma screens internally, corporate contests, celebration of the Environment Day, etc.…) to promote these behaviors.
Communication of environmental policy
Internal awareness campaigns for staff, promoting good environmental practices and facilitating their implementation with recycling centers for the different types of waste by the offices.
Training talks for new hires and distribution of information on good environmental practices.
Preservation of natural resources:
DALOPA’s commitment to the correct use of natural resources, through the recycling of materials and the awareness of the entire workforce on the responsible use of energy, water, paper, etc.… (internal communications and audiovisual dissemination).

DALOPA facing bricks: An option that respects the environment
1. Quality assurance. To guarantee a high quality product by monitoring each phase of the production process, from the raw material with authentic clays to the final product.
2. Environmental impact. The continuous implementation of preventive actions that mitigate and compensate for any environmental impact, generating a harmonious relationship with nature.
3. Social responsibility. By understanding the specific needs of the communities where DALOPA has a direct impact, we implement programs to improve the quality of life and well-being of our neighbors.
4. Innovation. Develop products and constructive solutions that meet the needs of the markets, through the implementation of new technologies and the use of new raw materials and other alternative materials.
5. Recyclable and recycled. Sustainable materials, 100% recyclable and with a minimum recycled content of 40%. We promote circular economies.